Course details

GCSE Religious Studies

Studying Religious Studies to GCSE level:


The Religious Studies GCSE course follows the AQA Syllabus in Ethics, Philosophy and Religion in Society.  (Full Course: Specification B). 100% Written Assessment - 2x 1 hour 30 minute exams 

This course focuses on ‘’Life as a Journey’’ and looks at contemporary moral issues from Christian and Islamic perspectives. The course is made up of two units: Religion and Morality; Religious Philosophy and Ultimate Questions. The two units consist of four topics on each unit, and assessment is by examination of two written papers of one hour and 30 minutes for each unit. Candidates will be required to answer four structured essay questions for each of the two written papers.

The syllabus is involves eight teaching modules including Crime and Punishment, Religion and Science, Religion and Medical Ethics, Good and Evil, Life after Death and the Existence of God. The course focuses on how Christian and Muslim belief affects these areas of study. 

Personal Qualities required to study GCSE Religious Studies:

You do not have to be religious to study this course on philosophy and ethics, just open minded! This two year course tackles questions of concern that affect all people. The course allows for much debate and reflection in order to critically examine some difficult issues. The course does not try to come up with easy answers, and for many issues there are no right or wrong answers!

By achieving a GCSE in Religious Studies this could lead to:

A basis for future courses in Sixth Form, College and/or University. This is because of its interactive style – you are encouraged to express your opinions, engage in dialogue and present your own points of view on a variety of issues. Such a course of study will help you face the deeper issues of life, and go on to study areas of Philosophy, Ethics and Religion at A/s level.

Religious Studies GCSE is widely accepted as a further education entry along with any of the other Humanities subjects. Religious Studies helps students develop their skills of evaluation and to give evidence to support their opinions, these types of skills will be extremely useful in all areas of life and in particular careers. This GCSE will complement careers in Social Work, the Police, Health and Child Care, and many other careers within the Public Sector. 

This course offers students an opportunity to fully prepare themselves for a career in a multi-cultural society; it is a chance for students to investigate people, issues, ideas and lifestyles. Religious Studies GCSE can help pupils to answer the many difficult questions and issues they face each day by encouraging an understanding of the world in which we live. It will foster tolerance for different faiths and cultures, and show the importance of belief in shaping the moral and political views of society. To complete a Religious Studies GCSE course is to do a subject that will have a lasting influence on the way students think, relate and behave.

More information

Any parents or students who would like more information about the course should contact Miss A Ahmed, Miss Begum or Mrs C Bowman who will be happy to answer any questions.

Remember: This course is worth 1 GCSE.  You should choose this as ONE of your Option Choices.