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Attendance Competition

Picture of Mrs Brice
Attendance Competition
by Mrs Brice - Monday, 7 November 2011, 2:56 PM

PD Group Attendance Competition

After week 1 the competition to find the PD group with the best % attendance this half term is being hotly contested by a number of groups - REMEMBER the winning group will be taken out to the Queen VIc for a slap up meal at the end of term.

At the moment N2 are in the hot spot with an impressive 99.2%. Close on their heels are S5,N3 and W3 with 99.1%. E11 have 98.9%, E8 98.8%,E3 98.3% and S3 98.1%.

Remember this is only after a week so there is still everthing to play for and there will be weekly updates. Remember we are still working towards the Attendance league and there will be an update of who is where for that too now we are a term and a half into the college year.

As a point of interest all groups except four are in the 90%'s and 20/44 groups are above 95%