Community Cohesion goes live!
On Monday 7th June Unity College welcomed honoured guests, students and staff to celebrate the launch of a new and exciting course called - Community Cohesion! The course has been specially designed by a team of Unity college staff to give Unity College students opportunities to learn about themselves and the many communities they belong to, from the college and the community to the national and global community.
At Unity College we share a vision of a community where young people have a passion for life and a passion for learning, are respectful of themselves and of others and who are united in learning and in uniting the community. Through the Community Cohesion course we encourage tolerance and understanding, celebrate diversity, respect people’s right to hold different views, and promote our vision and values. Students learn that with rights come responsibilities and that by making a positive contribution to their community they will benefit themselves as well as others. Students will learn about the great faiths of the world and how they have shaped people’s lives and provided a framework for explaining the difficult questions life poses.
The balloons we launched represent our determination to reach out into the world and engage with our community, and we hope and trust that they will travel far and wide, spreading our message of Respect, Passion and Unity to people as yet unknown!
For further details of this and other exciting curriculum innovations contact Mrs Botterill.
Click here for more photos of the launch.