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Course details

GCSE Engineering

 Studying Engineering (Single Award) to GCSE level:


A course in GCSE Engineering (single award) develops skills and understanding which will be of use generally and as part of a progressive career path to further technical or academic Engineering qualifications.

There is one tier of assessment covering grades A* - G. Students will be assessed by a two hour written exam that represents 40% of the GCSE, the paper will ask questions relating to the design process, contextual design questions and theory based questions.

The remaining 60% of GCSE marks will be coursework based where students are to complete a single design-and-make activity selected from a choice of set tasks, consisting of the development of a made outcome and a concise design folder. The design folder should consist of approximately 20 pages of A3 paper. It is expected that students should spend approximately 45 hours on this activity. As part of the evidence submitted, students should include photographs of the finished products as well as photographs at various stages of the process.

Personal Qualities required to study GCSE Engineering:

Students should be aware that this is not a wholly practical GCSE and that at least 50% of the lessons will consist of theory, knowledge and written work. Students should have an interest in Engineering. The projects undertaken will be designed and made by the student so a degree of self-motivation and commitment to see these projects through to completion is essential. The ability to work safely without constant supervision and directions will provide a challenge to students. Students must be prepared to complete all written aspects required for the exam and coursework to ensure success. Students who choose this option should be willing and able to imagine, draw and communicate their ideas before manufacture.

By achieving a GCSE in Engineering this could lead to:

A basis for further study at A level and beyond, for example a degree in one of the various branches of Engineering  (Civil, Structural, Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Aeronautical). Career pathways could be entry onto a modern apprenticeship in a trade context. Alternatively, employment opportunities in areas such as Civil Engineering and Construction will benefit from a GCSE in Engineering – Design & Technology.

More information

Engineering presentation
Any parents or students who would like more information about the course should contact Mrs or Mr Barker who will be happy to answer any questions. 

Remember: This course is worth 1 GCSE.  You should choose this as ONE of your Option Choices.

You cannot pursue Resistant Materials and Engineering together.