Topic outline

  • General

    Explore the history of the computer and how did everything evovle into what we now know as the Personal Computer!
    • Topic 1

      Starter   A presentation explaining a timeline, what it is, how it is useful and how to use it!

      Split the students into suitable group sizes and give each group a share of the 35 pictures (you will have recieved from Mr Parrish) and then where on the timeline (piece of string) attempt to put them in the correct order!

      Main Task   Research the major events or a set of events in their groups, why was it a major milestone, can they get a date, who is involved (be it person or company) and put this information into MS Excel. One column for year/date and the next column detailing the event.

      Plenary    Is to re-arrange the timeline into the correct order, hopefully amazement as they realize how old everything is!

    • Topic 2

      Starter   is finding the event from the given year, they can record their findings in Word and the clue is given in the question!  The years are to be found in the word file!  (or go through the PowerPoint for the lesson)

      Main    get the students to download the file computer timeline, and ask them to insert some of the events plus their years/dates into the document, insert-row or click on the icon at the top of their screen!   There are some events however aren't considered as important as others, so they need deleting!

      Now then, another amazing feature of time is how long it took between events, to do this we need to look at formulas and turn our lovely Excel into a proper spreadsheet! Remember the answer you get will be the number of years, let's see how amazed you can be!

      Plenary   Have a look at some of the major events and see how much the students know about them and the fact that it wasn't all that long ago! Find out what length of time shocked them the most!

    • Topic 3

      Starter   is completing the fruit activity of working out how much it is to buy the apples, bananas, cherries, grapes and the total cost by using formulas

    • Topic 5

      • Topic 6

        • Topic 7

          • Topic 8

            • Topic 9

              • Topic 10