APP Objective
What you must do
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Level 4: Plan and implement solutions that combine and refine different forms of information
Another email has been sent to you by the producer. Please click on the 'Criteria List', save in your folder and complete all tasks.
Criteria List file
Completed Criteria List Assignment
Improved Criteria List Assignment
Level 5: Plan and develop structured solutions to problems which use a combination of ICT tools and techniques
Level 6: Plan and develop solutions which show efficiency and integration of ICT tools and techniques
Level 4: Plan and implement solutions that combine and refine different forms of information
You are now going to design a questionnaire that can be given to potential contestants to answer. Click on the 'Questionnaire Design' link, save in your area and complete all tasks.
Remember the more detail your design, the higher the level you will obtain!!
Questionnaire Design file
Completed Designs of Questionnaire Assignment
Improved Designs Assignment
Level 5: Plan and develop structured solutions to problems which use a combination of ICT tools and techniques
Level 6: Plan and develop solutions which show efficiency and integration of ICT tools and techniques
Example of a design file Design Template file
Response Method Help sheet file
Level 4: Organise and process data for a purpose and present information in different forms suited to purpose
Choosing the appropriate software package, you need to create your questionnaire.
Now you need to add a validation rule to the 'Gender' field. For assistance, click on the 'Adding a Validation Rule'. Once you have added, open up microsoft word, print screen and explain how and why you did this.
Click on the link, save and open up the 'contestants database' and'Adding data' worksheet and add the following details to the contestants database. Another way of adding data to a database is creating a form. Use the 'Creating a form' worksheet to help you create your form and then you can add the data.
Contestants Database file
Completed Questionnaire Assignment
Evidence of Validation Assignment
Completed Data Entry Form Assignment
Improved Questionnaire, Validation and data entry form Assignment
Level 5: Use logical and appropriate structures to organise and process data.
Level 6: Devise a data handling solution to test hypotheses that uses techniques to reduce input errors.
Adding Data file
Adding Validation file
Information on data entry forms file
Creating a Form file
Level 4: Use appropriate search criteria to find relevant information, and check its plausibility and usefulness
You are now going to use the filter tool in Microsoft Database to answer some questions. You will also be asked to create queries and reports. Click and save the following work in your area: 'Contestant database' and 'Filter tool'worksheet and complete the tasks.
Contestants Database 2 file
Filtering,Queries and Reports Worksheet file
Completed Filter tool worksheet Assignment
Completed Testing Hypothesis Assignment
Improved Filter tool and Queries Work Assignment
Level 5: Present information in a range of forms for specific purposes and familiar audiences
Level 6: Test Hypothesis and conclude
Creating a Query file
Creating a Report file
Example Report file
Level 4: Evaluate the quality and success of their solutions
You have to evaluate your work that you have completed for this project. Click on the link 'Evaluation' save in your area and complete in as much detail as possible.
Evaluation file
Final Evaluation file
Completed Questionnaire Evaluations Assignment
Completed Final Evaluations Assignment
Improved Evaluation Assignment
Level 5: Use criteria to evalaute the quality of solutions, identifying improvements and refining their work
Level 6: Use criteria and feedbackto improve the effectiveness and efficiency of solutions
Example file
Example Improvement file
Level 4: Explain how and why the use of ICT varies in and out of school
Open up Microsoft Word and type the following title: ICT at home and school . Using bullet points, type the advantages and disadvantages of using ICT at home and school.
Click on the link 'Database questions' and complete the worksheet by answering the questions in full sentences. Remember the more detail they are the higher the level you will obtain.
Database Questions Word document
Completed ICT task Assignment
Completed Database questions Assignment
Level 5: Identify benefits and limitations of using ICT both inside and outside school
Level 6: Explore the impacts of the use of ICT in work , leisure and home
Database information ppt 1 Powerpoint presentation
Database information ppt2 Powerpoint presentation