Why do I need to study PHSCE


The course will give students a background of knowledge and understanding in relation to personal, social, health, careers and citizen education

The course will encourage studetns to apply their knowledge and understanding in making decisions and promote self-development, thoruigh encouraging students to be aware of their own strenghts and areas for improvement. It will provide them with choices and show them  opportunities that are available to them.

Students will show enhanced awarenes of spiritua, moral, ethical, social, legislative, economic, cultural, environment,health and sasety and European issues, as appropiate.

In ICT you have been doing a module of work called Heart Touch. In support of this, for your ILA, you will be looking at your life style and evaluating the amount of excersise that you take part in.

For part of your ILA you will be keeping a 1 week diary which log the amount of  excersise that you participate in so that you can evaluate it.

For the second part of your ILA you will be researching the facilities in your area to find out what activities there are on offer and the prices that these activities cost. The reason for this is to give you ideas of how to increase the amount of excersise that you participte in to improve the condition of your heart now and for the future.

This work will not be accredited towards the AQA 5800 coursework

Students in Year 9 during 2010 - 2011 continuing though to Year 10 in 2011 - 2012 

Few students in Year 11 2010 - 2011

Select the link to view the course for Year 8. Modules to be added as the course developes